Disease: Lichen Psoriasis


Luckily, there are many treatments. Some slow the growth of new skin cells, and others relieve itching and dry skin. Your doctor will select a treatment plan that is right for you based on the size of your rash, where it is on your body, your age, your overall health, and other things. Common treatments include:

  • Steroid creams
  • Moisturizers for dry skin
  • Coal tar (a common treatment for scalp psoriasis; available in lotions, shampoos, and bath solutions)
  • Vitamin D cream (a strong kind ordered by your doctor; vitamin D in foods and pills has no effect)
  • Retinoid creams

Treatments for moderate to severe cases of psoriasis include:

  • Light therapy. A doctor uses ultraviolet light to slow the growth of skin cells. PUVA is a treatment that combines a medicine called psoralen with a special form of ultraviolet light.
  • Methotrexate. This drug can cause liver disease and lung problems, so it’s only for serious cases. Doctors closely watch patients. You may have to get chest X-rays and liverbiopsies.
  • Retinoids. These pills, creams, and gels are a class of drugs related to Vitamin A. Retinoids can cause serious side effects, including birth defects, so they’re not recommended for women who are pregnant or planning to have children.
  • Cyclosporine. This drug, made to suppress the immune system, may be taken for serious cases that do not respond to other treatments. It can damage the kidneys and raise blood pressure, though, so your doctor will closely watch your heath while you take it.
  • Biologic treatments. These work by blocking the body's immune system from "kick-starting" a disease such as psoriasis.

Source: http://www.webmd.com

How Do I Know If I Have Psoriasis?

If you have a rash that isn’t healing, see your doctor.

Source: http://www.webmd.com

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