Clinical Trial: Infrared Images for Spinal Cord Stimulation in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Patients

Study Status: RECRUITING
Recruit Status: RECRUITING

Official Title: The Effect of Spinal Cord Stimulation on Thermal Forward Looking InfraRed (FLIR) Imaging in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

Brief Summary:

The goal of this observational study is to compare thermal camera Forward Looking InfraRed (FLIR) images before and after spinal cord stimulation to evaluate the difference in sympathetic activity of the affected limb in patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).
The main questions it aims to answer are:

Question 1: Can Infrared (FLIR) imaging be used to monitor the sympatholytic activity caused by Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) in patients with CRPS?

Question 2: Is there any correlation between the quantification of sympatholytic activity produced by Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) and measured by FLIR imaging with the outcome measures in patients with CRPS?
Outcome measures include pain (NRS), CRPS Severity Score (CSS), Quality of Life (SF-36), and neuropathic pain score (painDETECT).

Participants will have an image of their feet taken perpendicularly with a 1-inch space from all four sides using a FLIR T420 or T62101 camera with 320*240 resolution.

Participants will also complete questionnaires about the average pain, CRPS severity, quality of life, and neuropathic pain.