Clinical Trial: Feasibility, Acceptability and Directional Signal Effect on Blood Folate Levels of Iodized Salt Fortified With Folic Acid: Clinical Study

Study Status: COMPLETED
Recruit Status: COMPLETED

Official Title: Feasibility, Acceptability and Directional Signal Effect on Blood Folate Levels of Iodized Salt Fortified With Folic Acid: Clinical Study

Brief Summary:

Aim 1: Assess directional signal of effect of fortified salt with folic acid and iodine on blood serum folate levels.

It will be accomplished by feasibility pre-test/post-test clinical study by estimating mean and variability of serum blood folate levels effects of folic acid fortified salt.

Hypothesis: Fortified salt with folic acid and iodine will increase serum blood folate levels from baseline by month 1.

Aim 2: Assess feasibility and acceptability of salt fortified with folic acid and iodine.

Feasibility will be measured by 1) subjects' refusal rate of consent by 30 subjects during 6-month enrollment period; 2) method of determining salt consumption (weighting the saltshaker pre and post); 3) completion rates of study protocols from baseline to follow up.
Hypothesis 1a: Completion of all blood draw visits will be 90-100%.

Acceptability will be measured by 1) completion rate of daily salt logs; 2) consumption of salt by weighting saltshakers; 3) attitude towards taste and color difference.
Hypothesis 1b: Completion rate (90-100%) of daily salt logs will range from 90-100% of participants and 2) consumption of salt will range from 90-100% of participants.

Dietary surveys will be employed to document dietary habits and estimated daily FA intake in the sample population.
Feasibility and acceptability of dietary surveys will be measured by willingness to answer survey questions.
Hypothesis 1c: Completion rate of dietary surveys will range 90-100%.