Clinical Trial: The Use of a Non-Incised Minimally Invasive Flap Procedure in Conjunction With Emdogain� MI Compared to Traditional SRCP

Study Status: RECRUITING
Recruit Status: RECRUITING

Official Title: The Use of a Non-Incised Minimally Invasive Flap Procedure in Conjunction With Emdogain� MI Compared to Traditional SRCP

Brief Summary: This study is designed to evaluate the use of Emdogain� MI in a procedure where a significant portion of the lining of the sulcus is removed by curettage (similar to the traditional clinical procedure described as "gingival curettage") to the point of tissue mobility.
This will be designated as a "non-incised minimally invasive flap access procedure".
A videoscope will be utilized to assist with the requirement to adequately visualize and debride the root surface.
This research project will define the approach used as a "non-incised minimally invasive flap access" approach and will be a modification of recognized minimally invasive techniques.
This modification will be made by Dr. Harrel who first describe the minimally invasive periodontal approach and defined minimally invasive periodontal procedures in 1995.