Disease: Abdominal Cancer

Growth of abnormal cells (tumour) affecting the organs in the abdominal cavity; may be due to primary growth of a tumour or spread from another tumour (metastases, secondary tumour).

Source: http://www.rightdiagnosis.com

Abdominal cancer does not have a specific cause. Risk factors include persistent H. pylori infection, prolonged intestinal inflammation, smoking, obesity, and a family history of the disease.

Source: http://www.rightdiagnosis.com


Treatment of abdominal cancer starts with prevention. Preventive measures include seeking regular medical care throughout the lifetime. Regular medical care allows a health care professional to best evaluate the risks of abdominal cancer and promptly screen for some forms with such tests as the PSA test for prostate cancer.

Colorectal cancer can be screened for with a digital rectal exam, fecal occult blood test, and a colonoscopy. These measures greatly increase the chances of catching these diseases in their earliest, most curable stage.

Treatment plans for abdominal cancer are individualized for each person's specific case. Treatment plans are based on the specific type of abdominal cancer, medical history, age, the stage of advancement of the disease and other factors. Treatment may require a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation therapy. Other treatment may be used depending on the specific type of abdominal cancer. For example prostate cancer may be treated with hormone drugs to slow the growth of the cancer cells.

Colorectal cancer that is found in its very earliest stage, has not spread to other organs outside of the colon, and is limited to the inside of a polyp, may be treated by surgical removal of the polyp. If abdominal cancer has gone beyond this stage or spread outside the colon, treatment may require a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation therapy.

In advanced abdominal cancer, surgery may be used to clear an intestinal obstruction or other complications and help relieve symptoms, but not necessarily as a curative treatment.

Source: http://www.rightdiagnosis.com

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