Disease: Abnormal Heart Rhythm

An abnormal rate of muscle contractions in the heart. Source - Diseases Database

Source: http://www.rightdiagnosis.com


The first step in treating abnormal heart rhythm is prevention. This includes not smoking, not using illegal drugs or abusing prescription stimulant medications and moderating caffeine and alcohol intake.

Once an abnormal heart rhythm develops, a treatment plan is individualized to the cause, the presence of coexisting and underlying diseases, the age of the patient, and other factors. Treatment generally involves a multifaceted plan that treats the abnormal heart rhythm and includes a long-term plan to address any underlying or associated diseases, disorder or conditions, such as heart disease, smoking and hyperthyroidism.

Mild abnormal heart rhythms that do not cause symptoms may not need treatment other than monitoring. For example, this may occur when a person has a rapid heart rate (tachycardia) as a side effect of a diet drug, which goes away after the drug is discontinued.

Lifestyle changes are also a part of treatment. These include quitting smoking, lowering stress and losing weight as needed.

Depending on the cause, some abnormal heart rhythms may be treated with a variety of medications, such as digitalis, beta blockers, antiarrhythmias or calcium channel blockers.

Moderate to severe abnormal heart rhythms generally require hospitalization and intensive care. Intravenous medication may be needed to correct the abnormal heart rhythm. For some types of abnormal heart rhythm, such as atrial fibrillation or third degree heart block, a pacemaker is necessary to stimulate a normal heartbeat. Other procedures that may be needed include electrically converting the abnormal heart rhythm by cardioversion.

For immediately life-threatening abnormal heart rhythms, such as ventricular tachycardia without a pulse and ventricular fibrillation, defibrillation and life support measures, including CPR, are necessary.

Source: http://www.rightdiagnosis.com

["Hypertelorism, ocular\n","Acroosteolysis\n","Micrognathia\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Van Bogaert-Hozay syndrome and ","Death\n","Sepsis\n\nSee also the symptoms of Febrile Ulceronecrotic Mucha-Habermann disease and Febr","Female infertility\n","Amenorrhoea\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Asherman's syndrome and ","Low density lipoprotein levels low (serum or plasma)\n","Lymphadenopathy\n","Hypocholesterolaemia\n","Peripheral neuropathy\n","Splenomegaly\n","Hepatomegaly\n","Corneal opacity\n","High density lipoprotein levels low (plasma or serum)\n","Autonomic neuropathy, peripheral\n","Intermediate density lipoprotein levels raised (plasma or serum)\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Tangier disease and ","Onycholysis\n","Nail pitting\n","Alopecia\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Alopecia Areata and ","Kidney failure\n","Respiratory failure\n","Heart failure\n","Endocrine failure\n\nSee also the symptoms of Amyloidosis, inflammatory and Amyl","Burst aortic aneurysm\n","Death\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aortic aneurysm, familial abdominal 1 and Aort","Burst aortic aneurysm\n","Death\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aortic aneurysm, familial abdominal 2 and Aort","Burst aortic aneurysm\n","Death\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aortic aneurysm, familial abdominal 3 and Aort","Loss of vision\n\nSee also the symptoms of Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma and Acut","Cirrhosis of liver\n","Cholestasis, intrahepatic\n","Lymphoedema\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aagenaes syndrome and ","Optic nerve disorder\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Optic neuropathy, anterior ischemic and ","Death\n\nSee also the symptoms of Chemical poisoning -- Lindane and Chem","Death soon after birth (see Stillbirth)\n\nSee also the symptoms of Al Awadi syndrome and Al A","Pectus excavatum\n","Ophthalmoplegia\n","Short stature\n","Syndactyly\n","Strabismus, concomitant\n","Hypertelorism, ocular\n","Blepharoptosis\n","Cryptorchism (maldescended or ectopic testis)\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aarskog Syndrome and ","Joint hypermobility\n","Rieger anomaly\n","Lipodystrophy\n","Clinodactyly\n","Facies abnormality\n","Short stature\n","Intrauterine growth retardation\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aarskog-Ose-Pande syndrome and ","Sensory neuropathy (see Tingling) - due to administration of excessive levels of pyridoxine\n\nSee also the symptoms of Epilepsy, Pyridoxine-Dependent and Epil","Ventricular septal defect\n","Pure red cell aplasia\n","Short stature\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aase Smith syndrome and ","Impaired resistance to infection\n","Complications due to anemia e.g. tiredness\n","Severe cases may result in death at birth or early in life\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aase Syndrome and Aase","Stillbirth\n","Death during infancy\n","Anemia\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aase-Smith I syndrome and Aase","Cirrhosis\n","Portal hypertension\n","Osteoporosis\n","Heart failure\n","Hemosiderosis due to multiple blood transfusions\n","Increased risk of leukemia\n","Osteoporosis due to long term corticosteroid therapy\n","Thrombocytosis\n","Congestive heart failure\n","Premature death (type of Death)\n\nSee also the symptoms of Diamond-Blackfan anemia and Diam","Ligament laxity\n","Learning disability\n","Aminoaciduria\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Saccharopinuria and ","Emphysema\n","Liver damage\n","Panniculitis\n\nSee also the symptoms of Homozygotic Alpha 1 antitrypsin Defeciency and Homo","Cirrhosis of liver\n","Hepatic failure\n","Neonatal jaundice\n","Hepatocellular jaundice\n","Emphysema, pulmonary\n","Serum protein electrophoresis abnormal\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency and ","Burst aortic aneurysm\n","Death\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aortic aneurysm, familial thoracic 1 and Aort","Burst aortic aneurysm\n","Death\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aortic aneurysm, familial thoracic 2 and Aort","Burst aortic aneurysm\n","Death\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aortic aneurysm, familial thoracic 3 and Aort","Burst aortic aneurysm\n","Death\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aortic aneurysm, familial thoracic 4 and Aort","Burst aortic aneurysm\n","Death\n\nSee also the symptoms of Aortic aneurysm, familial thoracic 5 and Aort","Hypotonia (skeletal muscle)\n","Cherry red spot on macula\n","Learning disability\n","Fits\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of GM2-gangliosidosis, AB variant and ","Anaphylactic shock\n","Unconsciousness due to anaphylactic reaction\n","Death due to anaphylactic reaction\n\nSee also the symptoms of Food Allergy -- abalone and Food","Hypotonia (skeletal muscle)\n","Hyperreflexia\n","Tall stature\n","Learning disability\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Gamma aminobutyric acid transaminase deficiency and Gamma aminob","Aminoaciduria\n","Megaloblastic anaemia\n","Hyperglycaemia\n","Sensorineural hearing loss\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Thiamine responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome and Thiamine respo","Hearing loss\n","Albinism\n","Macrosomia\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of ABCD syndrome an","Microcephaly\n","Premature aging\n","Hyperpigmentation\n","Café au lait spots\n","Spastic ataxia\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Spastic paraplegia 23 and ","Lung restriction\n","Bowel obstruction\n\nSee also the symptoms of Adhesions and Adhe","Meningoencephalitis\n","Gastrointestinal bleeding\n","Eosinophilia\n","Zoonosis\n","Abdominal pain\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Angiostrongyliasis and ","Grey Turner's sign\n","Retroperitoneal fibrosis\n","Abdominal pain\n","Abdominal mass\n","Back pain\n","Embolism\n","Hypovolaemic shock\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Abdominal aortic aneurysm and ","Death\n\nSee also the symptoms of Abdominal Injuries and Abdo","Stillborn in 20% of cases\n","Death within 2 years in 50% of cases\n\nSee also the symptoms of Prune belly syndrome and Prun","Metastasis\n","Death\n\nSee also the symptoms of Abdominal Neoplasms and Abdo","Opsoclonus\n","Bone lysis\n","Primary brain neoplasm\n","Abdominal mass\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Neuroblastoma an","Heart diseases, cancer and other related diseases\n\nSee also the symptoms of Truncal obesity and Trun","High density lipoprotein levels low (plasma or serum)\n","Intermediate density lipoprotein levels raised (plasma or serum)\n","Hypertriglyceridaemia\n","Hyperinsulinaemia\n","Low density lipoprotein levels raised (serum or plasma)\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Abdominal obesity metabolic syndrome and A","Esotropia\n","External ophthalmoplegia\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Sixth nerve palsy and ","Meningitis due to spread of infection\n\nSee also the symptoms of Gradenigo's syndrome and Grad","Malabsorption syndrome\n","Erythrocyte sedimentation rate low\n","Anemia\n","Acanthocytosis\n","Hepatic steatosis\n","Nystagmus\n","Short stature\n","Retinitis pigmentosa\n","Low density lipoprotein levels low (serum or plasma)\n","Demyelination\n","Diarrhoea\n","Very low density lipoprotein levels low (plasma or serum)\n","Kyphosis\n","Cerebellar syndrome\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Abetalipoproteinemia and ","Corneal opacity\n","Alopecia\n","Ambiguous genitalia (female genotype)\n","Ambiguous genitalia (male genotype)\n","Macrostomia\n","Microtia\n","Cutaneous laxity\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Ablepharon macrostomia syndrome and ","Pulse abnormalities\n\nSource: Diseases Database\n\nSee also the symptoms of Abnormal Heart Rhythm and "]

Source: http://www.rightdiagnosis.com

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